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September 14, 2001
Vol. I, No. 16

"Elegy for Freedom"
Most of you probably aren't aware that I live and work in Manhattan. This past Tuesday, I was at work in Times Square, sitting at my desk when the first tower of the World Trade Center was hit. After the second tower was hit and it became obvious that this was no accident, I headed home to be with my family. By the time I arrived at our apartment, the towers were down and we watched in horror, along with the rest of the nation, the endless replaying of something unbelievable and incomprehensible.

It has become apparent that every one of us has been touched in some awful way by this tragedy. The process of rebuilding our lives will take time and great energy. One of the ways I cope with difficult times is to use the creative process as a tool to explore my feelings about what I am going through. The result of my reactions to this week's events is an organ composition I have entitled "Elegy for Freedom." Many of us are musical leaders in our communities and have an opportunity to help others cope through our musical offerings in the days, weeks and months to come. In this spirit, I offer "Elegy for Freedom," available on the Composition Free Exchange page, for use as a prelude, an offertory, or simply as a secular meditation.

In the near future I hope that many of you will be emailing me your compositions for posting but in the meantime please take the opportunity to explore the works of current contributors Victor Frost and Richard de Costa.
MEDITATIONS: The link below is a web page of words and images that I have set up to offer comfort and hope.

Have the best week you can, and know that you have the support of everyone around you.

Dan Long

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