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Sheet Music PlusFeatured Sale

September 6, 2001
Vol. I, No. 15

"Labor Day Getaway"
Many of us engaged in church music positions were unable to get away for Labor Day. comes to the rescue with a free trip to San Francisco! Well, sort of. How about a tour of the organs of the San Francisco Bay Area brought to you online by Richard Berberich and Ken Rinehart. These two organ enthusiasts have a website aptly titled Organs of the San Francisco Bay Area and I've added it to the Featured Links page (Resources pipe). My favorite is the Rosales organ in Fremont, CA. Start your tour by clicking below:
Also new this week is an addition to the Organ Links page, the Schantz organ at First United Methodist Church in Campbell, California. That's right, it's one of the organs from our San Francisco tour. Thomas Ingalz emailed me with information about upcoming events at the church featuring Frederick Swann. Click below for details:
Coming Soon--COMPOSITION FREE EXCHANGE from! Starting next week, the Composition Free Exchange page will enable composers to reach a broader audience for their compositions and enable performers to find fresh, original music that they otherwise wouldn't have access to. If you have written or arranged a piece of music that you would like to share with the community, email a PDF file of your work to Stay tuned!

Have a great week!

Dan Long

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